Every moment of your time in THE SHALA is part of your practice. Act with awareness and compassion.
Work towards a joyful meditative silence in the room. Conversation is for the community area.
Please refrain from bringing electronic devices into the practice room.
If it is necessary to check your device please do so outside of the practice room.
Practice mindfully with care and consideration for yourself and others.
Please make space in the practice room when it is limited.
Try to practice with an empty stomach.
It is traditional to refrain from drinking water during your practice.
Traditionally women are advised to refrain from practice during the first days of their menstrual cycle however this is individual.
Before you begin your practice please inform your teacher of any injuries or conditions that might affect your practice.
Physical adjustments is part of the teaching. If you wish not be adjusted inform the teacher before class.
If assists or adjustments are needed please practice the asana 3 times before calling a teacher. Try not to stop the flow of your practice.
Listen carefully to your teacher’s instructions. Try to follow them. Do not hesitate to ask questions.
Do not move beyond your last asana as given by the teacher.
Do not add new asanas unless they are given by your teacher.
Practice the traditional sequence and vinyasa. Do not skip postures without reason.
If visiting, please practice the Primary Series on your first day with us or talk with the Mysore teacher.
Enjoy your practice.