To understand the profound effects of yoga and an asana practice it must be experienced directly through regular practice and study over a long time. We as practitioners begin to see the rich and vast expanse of yoga, beneath the surface to only begin to explore the layers. Yoga is passed down from teacher to student. All our teachers (minimum 200YTT) have a rich history of practice and through this experience are honoured and grateful to share their tradition, knowledge and wisdom.

What year did you start practicing yoga? ​ Elemental Flow What year did you start teaching? ​ What 3 asanas are still allusive/ you are still trying to master?

Hatha Yoga & Sukshma Vyayama What year did you start practicing yoga? I start practicing in 2018 ​Hatha yoga and power yoga ​ What year did you start teaching? Started teaching in 2021 What 3 asanas are still allusive/ you are still trying to master? I am still trying to master Adho Mukha Vriksasana, Yoganidrasana, Mayurasana

Hatha Yoga What year did you start practicing yoga? ​ What year did you start teaching? ​ What 3 asanas are still allusive/ you are still trying to master?

SYC Student Ashtanga Teacher (Mysore, Intro & Led Ashtanga Classes) What year did you start practicing yoga? 2007 2009 (Ashtanga 8 Limb Practice: daily) ​ What year did you start teaching? 2013 Shadowing & assisting in the mysore room 2015 Mysore ​ What 3 asanas are still allusive/ you are still trying to master? Utkatasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Kapotasana

What year did you start practicing yoga? Started 2011 ​ ​ What year did you start teaching? Started teaching mysore & Ashtanga classes in 2018/2019 ​ What 3 asanas are still allusive/ you are still trying to master? Karandavasana Setu Bandhasana Mayurasana

What year did you start practicing yoga? 1999 2005 (Ashtanga) 2011 (Ashtanga in earnest, yin, philosophy studies) ​ What year did you start teaching? 2012 ​ What 3 asanas are still allusive/ you are still trying to master? Bakasana Marichyasana C Navasana

What year did you start practicing yoga? 2004-2012 (Hatha) 2018 (Ashtanga) ​ What year did you start teaching? 2005 Pranayama & Hatha w/Art of Living ​ What 3 asanas are still allusive/ you are still trying to master?