Child Supervison & Babysitting at the ShalaiteR Title
Child Supervision is offered at the Shala during Monday, Friday and Saturdays morning classes. We require that you contact Amy and Hannah via email at by 6:00 pm the night before you attend class to hold your childs spot.
Classes Offering Childcare Services
Ashtanga Split - Monday from 9:40-11:10 am
Ashtanga Inspired - Tuesday from 9:40-11:10 am
Mysore Style - Wednesday between 9:30-11:30 am
Mysore Style - Thursday between 9:30-11:30 am
Led Primary Series, All Levels - Friday from 9:40-11:10 am
Ashtanga Inspired, All Levels - Saturday from 9:00-10:30 am
$6.00 per child*
$30.00/ 5 class babysitting/ child supervision pass**
If you would like to request babysitting or child supervison for other classes at the Shala please contact Amy and Hannah to discuss private options.
* All childcare services are not drop in service and do have to be arranged in advance via email or in person.
**Dates of classes you will be attending must be determined upon purchase of the 5 class pass. To cancel or change the date you must contact Amy 12 hours in advance to get a full refund or to change the date(s) you will need the survice. If prior notice is not given at least 12 hours in advance the $6 charge will apply.