director’s message:
Why led classes?
Summer is finally here! With the warmth, our bodies become more limber and eager to explore new ways of moving. Challenge your body and explore a led class. For these summer months, Shala is offering all led classes for just $10 a class. Led classes are an opportunity to connect with other practitioners in the community. We get to share our practices together and co-create an energy that in turn feeds us individually.
Moving and breathing in sync is a particular experience which is rarely found in our daily lives. For many practitioners, it helps them to focus and keep the breath count consistent. The mind doesn’t have time to wander and the teacher’s words becomes the pillar which we can explore around. In a led class, it can be easier to remove the disturbances and fluctuations which naturally occurs in the mind. We surrender to the teacher’s guidance, and settle into the practice with a certain type of ease. Releasing this mental control allows us to find the flow that we all seek in yoga.
For an Astanga practitioner, led Restorative, Yin and Vinyasa Flow classes offer a different patterning of movement within the body, creating new energetic connections through the body, breath and mind. Biomechanically, these changes in movement patterns allow the muscles and joints to operate in a different range and sequence. Many Ashtangis respond quite positively to a change in their regular routines.
Led Ashtanga classes are provided for not only new students to learn the sequencing and methodology of the practice, but also for the experienced students to resettle into a defined cadence of breath and movement. The teacher’s gentle reminders of the tristana of dristi (gaze/focus), bandha (energy locks), and ujjayi breath, allows the practice to become more meditative. Sometimes in our solitary practices, we can forget this important foundation of the Ashtanga methodology.
In his book The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling, Stephan Cope states that “in the cultures of [yoga’s] origins, contemplative practice was always embedded in a surround of social relationship - the village, the tribe or the ashram.”
Led classes provide this social experience, offering support and motivation from both the students and the teacher. Join our Shala community in a led class, allow the collective energy to rise, and bring it out into the world around you!
summer schedule:
NEW! led class Alert:
This summer we are offering a couple new led class options to our schedule. Our intention is to include more led classes that are approachable and accessible. Not everyone who comes to Ashtanga wants or needs a daily asana practice and sometimes a led full or half primary series class can still seem intimidating so our hope is to offer classes that still present challenges without the pressure or dogma of mastery or perfection but instead to purely enjoy the way your body, breath and mind can move together in balance.
Our new led classes are perfect for the weekend warrior, the once a week ashtangi or all students wanting to rejuvenate an Ashtanga Practice. It is a challenging and rewarding experience.
Restorative Ashtanga, Primary Series
This class moves away from the traditional breath count and “gatekeepers” of primary series. You will be moved through the series without pressure of reaching the “conditions” within an exact breath count. You will move through the series without pressures to “master” the asana. The class is intentionally slowed down to take more time to focus on the more restorative aspect of each asana to bring strength, flexibility and healing energy to the mind-body connection.
Yang. Yin Class
This class works with the Yang aspect of the Ashtanga primary series to create fire, develop strength, stamina and flexibility while the yin component will work to balance, cool down and regulate the body’s flow of energy. The aim of the class is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility as the poses stretch and exercise the muscles, bone and joint areas. You will feel both energized and relaxed by the end of class.
summer special:
$10 drop in all summer long
Looking for less commitment this summer, $10 drop in rates for all our led classes is what we need for the flexibility to move through summer with more freedom at less then or the same price as purchasing a multi pass. Whether you are in and out of the city, attending multiple festivals, leisurely enjoying time with family and friends or letting your heart lead you through the sunshine of the day all our led classes are drop in, no signing up or memberships needed.
mondays at Shala for $10
Drop in to any classes offered on mondays for $10. All our monday classes are excellent entry level classes whether you are new to yoga, ashtanga or the mysore style. Check our website for the most recent schedule.
Look for us this summer around the city.
We will be at:
Date: Sunday, August 25
Time: 10am - 3pm
Where: 11/4 kilometer run of Jasper Ave & surrounding area (109 to 103 Street)
Open Streets is a one-day event opening Edmonton’s iconic Jasper Avenue to walking, biking, and rolling. It is being led by Paths for People, a local non-profit championing an Edmonton that’s human-centred by design.
This one-day event will celebrate civic pride, wellness, active transportation, local businesses, sustainablity and community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Local Net Zero Waste Festival, June 29
Restorative Ashtanga from 10 - 11:15am with Linda Turnbull
Teacher Training at Shala:
Shala in partnership with Melissa Wasserfall is excited to again offer 200 & our new 300hr Teacher Training & Ashtanga Enrichment program.
“If you are looking to become a Yoga Teacher or looking to deepen your personal practice, Teacher Training programs provide a springboard for lifelong learning, the deep ocean of Yoga Asana and Yoga Philosophy. Our 200 & 300hr Yoga Teacher Training focuses on providing you with the tools and confidence you need to teach classes, and with the platforms you need to develop your skills and knowledge base.” Melissa Wasserfall
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